Gang Sex Trafficking: What you need to know!

You are invited to join a two part series presented by Marina Anderson, Florida Department of Children and Families Regional Human Trafficking Coordinator for Northeast and Northwest Regions.

Part 2: Gang Sex Trafficking: What you need to know! 

Monday, October 25, 2021, 12 Noon – 1:30 PM, CST /1:00 PM - 2:30 PM, EST

Gangs conduct criminal activity in all 50 states. Although most gang activity is concentrated in major urban areas, gangs also are proliferating in rural and suburban areas as gang members flee increasing law enforcement pressure in urban areas. During this session, attendees while learn to recognize signs of gang involvement including gang tattoos, terminology, graffiti and using hand signals. Attendees will also be able to recognize the warning signs and risk factors of youth gang recruitment. This session will also discuss the female's role in gangs and how gang sex trafficking differs from other forms of trafficking.

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